About us

We create responsible companies

With this goal in mind, Ingdilligenz, a business consulting firm, was founded in 2021 in Würzburg. Since then, we consistently accompany and aid our clients on their way into a sustainable and successful future with a comprehensive consulting approach. Due to the extensive experience, we gained from countless projects, we now know: modern management methods, smart technologies and analytics are able to provide solutions to complex problems and optimize multiple different areas of application. Therefore, we started thinking: why not utilize these tools to gain sustainability?

Thanks to the extent of our team’s diverse skills and methodical knowledge, we can, depending on the particular requirements, provide reliable and innovative solutions and build the necessary base to make sustainable and lasting changes to strategies, processes and products. Nonetheless, we do not solely focus on the benefits, but are also aware of the potentially harmful effects and risks, that accompany some technologies. Therefore, avoiding unwanted side effects while also implementing methods under consideration of legislation, standards, and best practices, is an essential component of our consultancy. We aim to establish positive impact and generate reliable value and with that create responsible businesses and realize our vision. 

Our Vision


We inspire businesses to understand and unlock their potential through sustainability.
We are progressive thinkers, creators and open to discussions. We strive to assist companies in improving their self-awareness. Whether there are positive or negative impacts – only by gaining comprehensive insights in your own practices, you can obtain lasting potential.


We enable companies to establish a powerful data culture and a responsible business strategy as the foundation of future impact.
Data is the key to success. Ever since the beginning of the digital transformation businesses have been aware of this. We believe: what enables agile and data-driven companies to gain speed, efficiency and profitability can also enable them to gain sustainability.


We drive their transformation through trsnparency to embrace a responsible mindset and a comprehensive view of multiple aspects of sustainability.
We establish transparency and a comprehensive view of sustainable management – because it contains much more than simply planting trees. We include each involved party and together we make the journey of Sustainable Business Transformation. Because sustainability is teamwork!

Our Founders

Marcus Dill - Geschäftsführer der Ingdilligenz, Unternehmensberatung Nachhaltigkeit Würzburg

“In the future, there will be no economic growth happening at the expense of humans or the environment. Those, who nowadays pick up on how to develop sustainable products and services, will be ahead of their competition in the future regarding the rivalry over customers, employees and investors.”

– Marcus Dill (Founder)

Jana Ingendahl - Mitgründerin der Ingdilligenz, Unternehmensberatung Nachhaltigkeit Würzburg

“We, as individuals and as a company, must start making decisions with complete awareness of their impact. It is not about completely turning around all of the sudden, but about taking the first steps today. Because Sustainable Business Transformation is allowed to be just that: a transformation process. And what could be of better use to help this process along, than our existing knowledge gained from the field of Data & Analytics?”

– Jana Ingendahl (Co-Founder)

Contact us!

Ingdilligenz - Unternehmensberatung Würzburg für Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie

c/o Zentrum für Digitale Innovationen (ZDI) Mainfranken

Leightonstr. 3, 97074 Würzburg